New Year’s Day – January 1, 2023

New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1st every year. From the ancient Romans to modern-day America, New Year’s Day has been an important holiday that marks the passage of time and brings in new beginnings. Some cultures celebrate this day with fireworks or other festive activities, while others simply spend it with family and friends. However you choose to celebrate New Year’s Day, it will always be a special moment for everyone involved. Happy New Year!

Celebrating the January 1 New Year’s Day

We can all agree that we’re all ready to rejoice at the start of a new decade. This year’s New Year’s Eve falls on Friday, December 31, 2021, and New Year’s Day follows on Saturday, January 1, 2022. This year’s celebrations will undoubtedly be different, but we still anticipate watching the spectacular fireworks displays that will usher in

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What Day Is New Year’s?

On January 1, the United States and Canada (as well as numerous nations throughout the globe) observed a public holiday. The general public is given the day off, as well as schools and most businesses.


January 1, the start of the new year on the Gregorian calendar, is typically associated with making fresh vows and promises to improve upon one’s performance in the past. For some, the day begins with hangover cures, while for others it starts with prayers of thanks for having lived to witness a new year that has hope. But how did this celebration get started? It’s an ancient tale.

The moon has long been used to mark time. The first civilizations on Earth, including the Mesopotamians and Babylonians, marked time according to the moon’s phases and the vernal equinox, or an equal balance of light and shadow.

The Babylonians celebrated Akitu, a religious ceremony that lasted 11 days, to mark the vernal equinox. The new year was celebrated in Egypt by the Nile’s flooded waters and Sirius, according to historians. With the second new moon following after the winter solstice, it is still traditional for the Chinese New Year to arrive.

The history of the Gregorian calendar begins with Romulus, who is said to have been nursed by wolves, and his brother Remus, who founded Rome. The Roman calendar was created in the 8th century, at the start of spring. The original Roman calendar began with 10 months and 304 days. Numa Pompilius, another Roman king, added Januarius and Februarius to the calendar.

The Julian calendar, which was established by Julius Caesar and marked January 1 as the beginning of a new year, is accredited to him. The Gregorian calendar, which many countries still use today, was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to line up the calendar with Earth’s rotation around the sun – making it 365 days.

New Year’s Eve Customs

The evening before New Year’s Day—New Year’s Eve—is when most individuals celebrate the changing of the year! People may rejoice in the final hours at a party or watch a televised countdown as the clock counts down. At the stroke of midnight, friends and relatives typically embrace and kiss each other, wishing one another a “Happy New Year!”

In Scotland, first-footing is a significant element of the Hogmanay or New Year’s Eve Day celebration. The belief is that the first foot to cross a threshold after midnight will reveal the future fortunes for the coming year. There is now a custom of going to see good friends and relatives after midnight on New Year’s Eve.

Many people celebrate the New Year by singing “Auld Lang Syne,” a Scottish ballad. Robert Burns is recognized for the two original stanzas, which most people sing (if they know it!):


Celebrate the New Year with a huge stack of flapjacks and a robust cup of coffee. Alternatively, go crazy with a crab cake Benedict. Begin the new year on the right foot by eating an incredible dinner!

When you have the help of friends and family, making any change in your life or behavior — large or little – becomes a lot easier. The more you say out loud what you’d want to change, the more likely it is that you’ll go through with it.

Clear out the old clothes, the frumpy pants, and the unwearable shoes. Play some great music. Invite friends over. Start the new year with some space in your closet and mind for wonderful new things.

New Year’s Day Traditions

We all know that New Year’s Day is an exciting time to make resolutions, but what about the day to celebrate it? That means more than just getting caught up in another hectic work week. What traditions do people have for this special occasion and why do they continue them every year when there isn’t really anything remarkable or different going on at any other point throughout December 31st/January 1st itself!

Priority number one – don’t forget your family…whether by giving gifts or watching old movies together; the second thing after food (I think everyone can relate) would be drink yourself silly so you won.

Light Sparklers

Fireworks displays have been a New Year’s Eve custom observed all around the world for many years. Australia, Thailand, South Africa, Brazil, and other nations celebrate the new year with a spectacular fireworks display. Although you may not be able to set off your own explosions, sparklers are another method to welcome the new year with a pop of light. It’ll make for a lovely photo and an even lovelier beginning to the year.

Kiss at Midnight

You might not have considered where the custom of kissing at midnight on New Year’s Eve originated. It is possible that it has its roots in the Saturnalia celebration held in ancient Rome. During this festival, a wild party full of dancing, booze, and lots of kissing took place. The custom of kissing at midnight persisted in English and German folklore, which romanticized the notion of a New Year’s kiss as a way to help you get your love life back on track.

Wear White

White is sometimes worn on New Year’s Eve in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The custom stems from the idea that wearing white will bring peace for the next year.

Hang an Onion on Your Door

One of the ways that Greeks welcome the Happy New Year is to hang an onion on their front door. It might not look or smell appealing, but hanging an onion outside on New Year’s Eve in Greece represents rebirth into the new year. Parents are believed to tap the onion on their children’s foreheads to promote prosperity for the next 365 days beginning.


The new year is a time to reflect on the past and think about what you want your future to look like. It’s also an opportunity for celebration and remembrance of loved ones who have passed away in the last 12 months. What traditions do you observe? How will this be different from last year? And how can we make sure that our celebrations stay mindful, joyous, and respectful of those we love? As we welcome 2022 with open arms, let’s show appreciation for all life has given us by living it fully. Happy New Year 2022!

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