Women’s Equality Day 2022: Here’s The History Of The Day, Its Significance, And How It’s Celebrated

Today is Women’s Equality Day, and in honor of the important holiday, we wanted to share 5 things you need to know about women’s rights today. From wage inequality to reproductive rights, these are some important issues that women face on a daily basis. And while progress has been made over the years, there is still a lot of work to be done in order to achieve true gender equality. Let’s all take a moment today to stand up for women’s rights and support their fight for equality.

The performance of a company can be better with gender diversity at all levels in place – not just when hiring but also in day-to-day operations. A diverse workforce with equal opportunity creates a working environment where everyone feels empowered and able to contribute their best talent and skills towards achieving business goals.


At Rep. Bella Abzug’s proposal, the United States Congress declared August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day” in 1971. It was subsequently confirmed in 1973. Every year, the President of the United States proclaims it. The initial proclamation was made by President Richard Nixon. Since that time, this day has been declared by every US president. To commemorate the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote, the date was chosen.

This marked the end of a protracted, nonviolent civil rights movement that was spearheaded by women and that began in 1848 at the first-ever conference on women’s rights in Seneca Falls, New York.


Women’s Equality Day honors the passing of the 19th Amendment while also highlighting the continued problems women are facing to achieve true equality.

From Rosa Parks and Eleanor Roosevelt battling for civil rights and equality to bright scientists like Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, and Jane Goodall, outstanding women have disproved conventional prejudices during the past century by showcasing to the world what women are capable of doing. The 20th century demonstrated more than ever what both men and women are capable of accomplishing when given the chance.

Today, women’s equality encompasses much more than just the ability to vote. Organizations like Equality Now and Womankind Worldwide continue to struggle to ensure that women have equal access to education and jobs throughout the world. They also fight against violence against women, discrimination against women, and stereotyping that is still pervasive in all societies.

Why Women’s Equality Day Is So Important

Did you know that women didn’t get the right to vote in the United States until less than a century ago? Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 19th Amendment’s adoption on August 26, 1920, which gave women the right to vote.

Power Of The Pack

The success of the women’s suffragist movement was largely attributed to a group of committed women (and men) who came together to bring about change. Now-famous activists like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, and Alice Paul took great risks—even risking their lives—used their voices, and went through a difficult journey to change the outdated laws that had been created by and for men but were no longer effective.

You may be experiencing difficulties since the workplace culture today was created by and for males and no longer suits the needs of the modern world as a woman in the messy middle. You might be prevented from moving up in life by both subtle (like unconscious bias) and not-so-subtle (like overt sexism) causes. We should stick together in the battle for equality today, men and women alike. Equality is a social and economic necessity, not just a female issue.

The suffragists experienced change gradually. In actuality, it took years. However, these trailblazers vowed to battle for rights that are today seen as fundamental, but weren’t always the case a century ago, such as women’s right to vote and property ownership.

Rewriting the Rules

Do not lose sight of how far we have come and how much more need to be done.

Today, women make up nearly 60% of college graduates, enter the workforce at a roughly 50/50 ratio and make up more than 40% of all wage earners.

On the other hand, there is still a gender salary difference (which is wider for African American and Hispanic women), no mandated paid maternity leave, and fewer than one in five female executives in the C-suite.

Every woman has a unique tale, regardless of profession or upbringing. Women’s stories have been absent from history books for far too long. The visibility of women achieving extraordinary things is one of the major obstacles we have today for rising up in the muddy middle. Even today, our stories about the impact we can have are not always told. If we don’t share our experiences with the next generation and encourage them to take up leadership responsibilities, how can we expect them to do so?

Sharing Our Stories

I adore the Shine Theory, which holds that when women support one another’s success, we all shine. Let’s honor the women who came before us as well as the women who are here now and breaking new ground. Your friends, relatives, coworkers, bosses, influencers, and leaders are among these women. They are the women in your life who are fearlessly speaking up, redefining the workplace, fostering cultures of caring, and exercising compassion in their leadership.


Women’s Equality Day is all about inspiring and encouraging women and celebrating how far they have come in overcoming oppression and all odds. Common customs include showing thanks to significant female figures in one’s life, patronizing locally owned companies managed by women, and celebrating womanhood with your girl squad and special ladies.

Funds are raised for charities and groups that promote the empowerment of women. On many live and virtual platforms, prominent women are highlighted as special guests.

The hashtag #WomensEqualityDay is used on social media to share success stories. The online community discusses the problems that women confront and offers aid and answers.


Thank the women in your life

We all rely on devoted women, whether they are mothers, grandmothers, partners, sisters, or friends. Today, take a moment to express your gratitude for the hard work—both physical and emotional—they put in for others.

Support women-owned companies

Use your purchasing power to aid female business owners. On the website of the Small Business Administration or by contacting your neighborhood chamber of commerce, you can locate lists of women-owned businesses.

Register to vote

For decades, women and their supporters battled for the right to vote. Make sure you are registered to vote in your town as a way to contribute to honoring their sacrifices.

Observance of Women’s Equality Day


Women’s Equality Day is observed by celebrating the accomplishments of women in a variety of disciplines. Numerous contribution programs have been established to provide funding for women from low-income families. One can wear purple on this day to demonstrate unity because it is widely recognized as a symbol of women’s equality. Another great approach to commemorate this important day on social media is to use the hashtag #WomensEqualityDay.


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We hope you enjoyed reading about all the amazing women who have paved the way for equality today. You can also join us in celebrating their hard-earned success on August 26th by taking part in a day of activism by signing petitions, organizing protests, and sharing stories on social media. We all know that men and women should not be treated differently because of gender but until they are equal, they will continue to face inequality. To make sure this doesn’t happen twice, we must continue to fight for equality. Happy Women’s Equality Day.

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