Afghanistan Independence Day 2022: History & How to Observe

August 19 is Afghanistan Independence Day. Did you know that as Afghanistan was never a part of the British empire, the holiday does not commemorate its independence from Great Britain? Anglo-Afghan Treaty, which recognized Afghanistan’s independence and sovereignty, and its freedom from British domination are commemorated during this holiday. In addition to official speeches and military demonstrations, Afghans celebrate by painting their homes and flying the national flag while performing their national dance, Rattana.

History Of Afghanistan Independence Day

After the Afghan Durrani Empire collapsed, Afghanistan was officially recognized as the Empire of Afghanistan in 1823. Afghanistan has always been a significant geographic location. As the entryway to the Indian subcontinent, which links China to western Asia and Europe, it served as the hub of the historic Silk Road in central Asia. Trade from the Mediterranean to China was also transported over this route. Due to its location on numerous commerce and migratory routes, Afghanistan is known as the Central Asian roundabout. Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is a calm city with mosques and gardens.

Unfortunately, Afghanistan has also seen political unrest. Due to the conflict between imperial Britain and tsarist Russia, Afghanistan’s borders were set in the late 19th century. Afghanistan suffered significantly from civil strife, military invasion, and Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, throughout the 20th century.

From 1996 to 2001, a movement of religious students known as the Taliban ascended to power and erected a theocratic government that was overthrown by a military operation sponsored by the United States. Following the defeat of the Taliban, the anti-Taliban forces consented to a transitional phase of rule, a new constitution, and a democratically elected government.

Unfortunately, Afghanistan has also seen political unrest. Due to the conflict between imperial Britain and tsarist Russia, Afghanistan’s borders were set in the late 19th century. Afghanistan suffered significantly from civil strife, military invasion, and Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, throughout the 20th century.

From 1996 to 2001, a movement of religious students known as the Taliban ascended to power and erected a theocratic government that was overthrown by a military operation sponsored by the United States. Following the defeat of the Taliban, the anti-Taliban forces consented to a transitional phase of rule, a new constitution, and a democratically elected government.

How to Observe Afghanistan Independence Day

1. Wear The National Attire

Respect your nation by donning its attire. Your “Grande Afghani” and “kurta-salwar” should be located. Prepare yourself in your traditional dress and take part in this happy celebration.

2. Decorate Your House

There is no better way to show your love for your country than decorating your house and displaying the national flag. Clean up the dust and decorate the house in the colors of your country.

3. Dance To Your Heart’s Content

What better way to commemorate this day than by dancing the attana? Enjoy yourself and have fun on this day honoring freedom.

Why Afghanistan Independence Day Is Important

1. It Is A Day For Remembrance

We recall the nation’s development and history. It brings to mind the individuals who fundamentally altered the country.

2. It Is A Celebration Of Freedom

It commemorates the Afghan people’s day of freedom. It serves as a reminder of how crucial freedom is.

3. It Inculcates Patriotism

It teaches us to cherish our nation. It makes people more conscious of the historical costs associated with giving up freedom.

5 Interesting Facts About Afghanistan

1. The First Oil Paintings

Around 650 B.C., the first oil paintings were created in the Bamiyan caves.

2. Alexander The Great’s Citadel

In 330 B.C., Alexander the Great conquered the city and fortified Herat with a castle.

3. A Different New Year

On March 21, the first day of spring, Afghanistan celebrates the start of the new year.

4. Poetry Is Most Cherished

Over a thousand years have passed since the Afghan people began reciting stories in verse.

5. Goat Riding Is The National Sport

The Afghan people like Buzkashi and want it to be an Olympic sport.

Afghanistan Independence Day FAQS

What Is Afghanistan Famous For?

Afghani fruit is well-known, particularly pomegranates, grapes, and large melons.

Who Created Afghanistan?

In 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani formed Afghanistan by uniting the Pashtun tribes.

Was Afghanistan A Part Of India?

Yes. Up until 1750, Afghanistan was acknowledged as a part of India.

Afghanistan Independence Day Dates

August 19Friday2022
August 19Saturday2023
August 19Monday2024
August 19Tuesday2025
August 19Wednesday2026


Now that you know all about Afghanistan Independence Day, don’t forget to celebrate it on August 23rd. While the celebrations may not be as big in Kabul, there will still be parties and public gatherings. Also, you can make arrangements for your family trip to Tajikistan so that they can visit the shrine of Amir Abdur Rahman Khilji in Samarkand. Thanks For reading our blog.

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